Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our first whale watching trips of the year!

Between getting Those Guys back on the water and beginning our season, it has been a whirlwind of activity here at Hawaiian Adventures Kona. Our crew spent the past week on the water with wonderful guests, both island locals and visitors from afar. Some were whale watching veterans in search of their next oceanic adventure, while others were new to whale watching and saw their very first cetaceans with Those Guys!

With a full week’s worth of cetacean searches, there are too many memorable encounters to recount them all, but we’ll leave you with a few highlights:

Cruising with pods of 100+ social spinner dolphins through the brilliant turquoise waters off the Kona coast. These were great opportunities to teach about the value of photo-identification in tracking individuals. Between distinctive dorsal fins and cookie-cutter shark bites, there were plenty of markers that could be used to re-identify individual dolphins at a later date.

Witnessing the action of a competitive pod, the males sizing each other up and showing off their strength with pec-slaps, breaches, and chin slaps at the surface. With the sweeping slopes of Hualalai as the backdrop, the scene made for some remarkable photo ops.

Silently drifting in a bay with two mom and calf pairs, a small pod of spinner dolphins, and a rather rowdy male escort. There was so much going on, it was hard to know where to look until one of the calves decided that she wanted to be the center of attention! She proceeded to circle our boat while rolling at the surface, showing off her beautiful flukes.  

And so much more…

We’re looking forward to seeing what the ocean has in store for us this week. If you’re on the Big Island and looking for an adventure, we still have a few spots left on our upcoming trips! 

Interested in experiencing our tours?

Join us, experts with over 25 years of experience running professional wildlife tours. Hawaiian Adventure’s tours provide the best opportunity to explore Kona’s coast and the wildlife beneath the waves. Our top-notch vessels, experienced crew, and oceanic expertise will make your Big Island adventure unforgettable. If you’ve been on other tours, you’ll appreciate the Hawaiian Adventures difference.

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Things get heated! Humpback competitions and more…


About Hawaiian Adventures Kona