Year-round, guaranteed whale/dolphin sightings.
We’re so confident in our ability to find marine life that we guarantee wildlife sightings for our guests on every dolphin/whale watch tour.
If you do not see a whale or dolphin with us you will receive a unique promotion code to book another tour for 50% off. This is not a gimmick — it is a passion to show our guests whales. Notice there is no fine print and this is not a stand-by pass. Simply book online with your unique fluke code, and your next tour is 50% off. It’s that easy.
The Big Island’s only year-round guaranteed whale watch tour.
Kona is the ultimate whale and wildlife destination. Kona’s calm waters, deep coastlines, and variety of marine life make the region a world-class wildlife viewing location. Our tours leave out of Honokohau Harbor, which has access to both near-shore and pelagic zones. Exploring the near-shore zone, you have the opportunity to see humpback whales during our winter months, spinner dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, manta rays and flying fish. . With a US Coast Guard offshore certification, Hawaiian Adventures Kona can also reach the pelagic zone- something very few tours do. The pelagic zone expands the search into waters thousands of feet deep to look for pilot whales, beaked whales, sperm whales, spotted dolphins, whale sharks, and more! Hawaiian Adventures’ 3-4 hour tours allow for a greater search range, more time with whales, and more wildlife encounters on every tour!
Species Covered
All whales and dolphins including pilot whales, beaked whales, sperm whales, melon headed whales, whale sharks, bottlenose dolphins, spinner dolphins, false killer whales, and humpback whales during the winter months.
Guarantee Date Range
Hawaiian Adventures Kona guarantees sightings on every dolphin/whale watch tour, 12 months a year.
Sighting Success Rate
We hold an historical sighting success rate of over 97%. Our Whale and Wildlife Report shows a detailed account of our encounters every week! We rarely miss!
What happens if I don't see a whale?
If you happen to be on one of the rare days we do not see whales or dolphins, you will receive a unique promotion code to book another tour for 50% off. This code is good for your return trip with us, does not expire, and can be used when booking your reservation online.
How can we offer a year-round whale/dolphin guarantee?
While many know the waters of Hawaii play host to thousands of humpback whales during their annual winter migration, few realize the extent of Kona’s cetacean diversity. Year-round we explore the deeper waters known as the pelagic zone. With longer tours, offshore certified vessels, and no fixed routes, we can find over a dozen species of whales and dolphins.
Why Kona?
Our departure location, Honokohau Harbor, is situated in some of the calmest water along the Kona coast, while also just a short boat ride away from some of the deepest water around the Hawaiian Islands. This dramatic increase in depth is a key factor contributing to the productive upwelling zones found in this region, zones that fuel activity in the food web. Where there is prey, there are predators, including many of the incredible toothed whales we are on the search for! Short-finned pilot whales, spinner dolphins, and pantropical spotted dolphins are just a few of the cetaceans we could encounter. For a more detailed overview, read our Whales and Wildlife page.
How do we do it?
To increase our chances of seeing whales each day, Hawaiian Adventures works with other whale watch vessels, land-based spotters, researchers, dive boats, and early morning fishermen to help locate whales in the area. Between this spotting network, and our own searching, if the whales are here, we know it.
Wildlife is just that — wild!
Please remember that we cannot control what the whales do or where the whales go each day. There is a renewed sense of excitement each time we leave the harbor, because there is no telling exactly what we see during any one trip. This unknown is part of what makes viewing wildlife in its element so thrilling. What we can give you is the highest possible chance of seeing whales due to our experience, quick vessel speed and convenient departure location. We share your passion for seeing whales in the wild, and strive to make your Kona whale watching experience a memorable one!
The Kona coast boasts an incredibly diverse array of marine life. Venture with us out into the blue in search of graceful mantas, massive mola mola, schooling sharks, or one of more than a dozen species of toothed whales that traverse these island waters.
At Hawaiian Adventures Kona, our expert guides offer the Big Island’s ultimate small-group wildlife experience. Our year-round whale watching, night manta snorkels, and private charters are the best opportunity for a true Hawaiian Adventure.
Whale watching in Kona is year-round! Whale watching in Kona is year-round! Hawaiian Adventures Kona has access to both near-shore and pelagic zones, which gives you the opportunity to see humpback whales during the winter months, spinner dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, flying fish, surface-feeding mantas, pilot whales, beaked whales, sperm whales, spotted dolphins, whale sharks, and more!
Experience the real Kona nightlife and meet the mantas! Our Kona Night Manta tours depart strategically out of Honokohau Marina, giving us the ability to head where there’s better conditions, fewer people, and more mantas. This small-group tour is the best way to experience the #1 activity on the Big Island.
Explore the Kona Coast at your own speed. Private tours are the best choice for small or large groups that value exclusivity and a personalized experience. Whether you’re looking for a family adventure, school trip, memorial service, or something entirely different, our team will work with you to create your custom adventure.